Bio-Plot is a public domain software. You can register and receive the current version, which includes printing capabilities and a biorhythm compatibility test. To Register: Send $15.00 (check or money order) to Jeff Dague Bio-Plot 406 36th Ave. No. Clinton, IA 52732 Include your name, address, city, state, and zip code. To Use Bio-Plot: QUIT Exits out of Bio-Plot INFORMATION REGISTER How to receive a current version of Bio-Plot BACKGROUND Summary of the biorhythm philosophy BIORHYTHM Enter your name, date of birth, and starting date to plot. To move from field to field, without the mouse, use the TAB key. PLOT BIO Plots your biorhythm beginning at the date entered. CYCLE SEARCH Plots the next occurrence of user defined characteristics. Choose either low, critical, high, or don't care. The don't care option tells the computer not to consider that particular rhythm in its search. Thanks for trying Bio-Plot !